Edge Finishing and Polishing

Edge finished Acrylic products from Acrylic Gallery

Acrylic Gallery always concerned in the edge finishing and polishing of acrylic material.

When acrylic is mechanically cut, the edges are frequently left rough. This is good for applications where the borders are not exposed. But, for a smoother, polished look to the sheet’s border, a number of polishing or beveling processes can be used. For cut acrylic/Plexiglas, a saw cut edge is standard. Saw cutting leaves a matte finish on the edge.

The edges of acrylic are polished with diamonds to give them a lustrous sheen. Diamonds rotate at high speeds over the surface of the substance in this procedure. Any product with three dimensions that does not lend itself to diamond or flame polishing. These goods are manually polished and buffed to a museum-quality edge finish by Acrylic Gallery.

Edge polishing
Edge polishing in dubai
edge polishing

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